Rio Revenge, Days 9 – 11

I have little memory of what I did on Monday, day 9. All I know is that I went to Ipanema Beach in the morning, went to class, and ended the day back a the beach. I think I napped and blogged that afternoon at Aussie Coffee. Momo the Argentinian classmate has gone AWOL

Day 10 was Tuesday, that was quite the roller coaster. I didn’t make to the beach that day, instead cooked rice and a tuna omelet; then I strolled the Tuesday market at Praça General Osorio; they were setting up.

I went to class, and instead of taking our regular 20 minute break, we all took a walk in the market. I tried a bolinho de aipim com carne, which was nice with a splash of hot sauce, and another one com queijo which was very delicious but very cheesy, it felt like it would clog up the system…

After class, I decided to join the “shitty tour”(inside joke) to Rio Centro. It turned out to be a big group, and I met more students. Metrô to Cinelândia, saw the outside of the National Theater, Saara, there was a snack break, and while we were walking back to Carioca station I started having a blood sugar emergency, so I ditched the group and made a fast-food choice. It was a bad choice, but blood sugar emergencies mean bad judgement. Metrô home.

Day 11, today. I didn’t make it to the beach again today! But I did have breakfast at a lanchonete (pão com ovo with a splash of molho picante, duplo espresso. I have decided that Patríqui is the kind of guy that puts sugar substitute in his morning coffee in Brazil, everyone is happier that way. It comes in a squeeze bottle on every breakfast table, it looks like a bottle of mineral oil. I digress.

After class today, the lovely F asked me to join her to go see Cristo o Redentor, and I was like “yass, say less.” She used her magical power of Uber to get us up the mountain, and then we took the train up to the statue, where you could see it up close (it’s huge) and there are sweeping views of all of Rio. I counted two chapels, one had the Mass going on, it was the consecration. We took the train back down, and then übered away; her to her apartment in Leblon and me back to the Praça General Osorio to get some lunch and do errands.

I decided to get lunch at one of the places P recommended, and as I was walking in, P said hi, and then just as suddenly was gone. Magical! Afterward I got a desentubidor and a dozen eggs and then went home, started laundry, got tomorrow’s presentation ready, got dinner at a different place P recommended (he didn’t appear this time) and then back home to hang up my clean clothes and finish this blog.

No plans for tomorrow. I want to continue learning the easy tenses (imperfect, future, conditional) plus I want to know table settings.

Class notes

  • Não me enche os olhos.
  • Pois não?
  • Pois não.
  • Me dói saber que…
  • A granel
  • O fregês
  • Pechinchar
  • Aturar
  • Ruins
  • Ficar indisposto
  • Concordar
  • Cafuna
  • Olhar
  • Ver
  • Nxergar
  • Dar
  • Procurar
  • Ëstou só olhando”
  • Dar uma olhada, olhadinha
  • Passar o olho
  • Fazer palhaçadas
  • Torno e gravata
  • Guardar a sete chaves
  • Pular
  • Brincar
  • Gar
  • Tocar
  • Lutar pipa
  • Ralo
  • Danificado
  • Amarrar-se en
  • A bobagem
  • Ressignificar
  • Pensar outra coisa, pensar en outra coisa
  • Uma zona
  • A Internet
  • “ A ocasião faz o ladrão”
  • Epa?
  • O påo com epa

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