Rio revenge, Day 7: Ilha de Paquetá

Yesterday morning on the way to school I wandered into the grocery store, and found this entire table full of products with no added sugar! I started picking out some crackers but then a lady came by and said “Ainda ta fechado, as 8h se abre” We’re still closed, we’ll open at 8. I haven’t been back yet.

I had coffee at a 24 hour lanchonete diner and a pão com ovo egg sandwich. Later I had another cup of coffee at the school, and then met up with the group and took the metrô to the ferry terminal, where I bought a baggie of five pão de queijo and a little bottle of agua com gas as we waited for the boat because why not.

Crossing Guanabara Bay took about an hour to the Ilha de Paquetá, which is carless except for emergency services. We walked most of the west coast of the island, through parks, view points, beachside roads (carless!). We saw marmosets in the park, called sangui but locals call them mico-estrelas because of the star on their foreheads.

From Parque Darke de Mattos is actually where I first saw o Cristo Redentor, also the Pão de Açúcar, for that matter. I don’t get out of Ipanema much.

I took this movie of ants because it reminded me of a Bluey episode.

There was a big round rock with little rocks on top that people had thrown on it. It was probably called a Pedra dos Namorados Lovers’ Rock and the trick is you stand with your back to it and throw a Little Rock over your head behind you, and if it lands on top of the big rock and stays there, you will find your soulmate that very day. So, my rock landed and stayed; everybody else’s rock fell. Tourists from another group congratulated me, one man named Paulo told me about his whole tour of the USA.

We walked down to a beach restaurant and all ordered fish. Afterward there were more view points and finally we laid on the beach and fell asleep on the sand. A couple people went into the calm, almost waveless waters for a swim, but they quickly found little água-vivas jellyfish, so everyone came out and it was time for sonacas naps.

It was a boat ride to the metrô, and I stopped for dinner at a lanchonete and then went home and hit the rack.

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